Binding Safely

Here are the main things to pay attention to, so you can make sure you're binding safely and comfortably.

  • Wearing the right size chest binder

    Measure yourself correctly following our guides and make sure your binder fits right for you.

    Wearing a smaller binder may not improve your silhouette but can cause harm to your ribs, which should not be compressed.

    For more information please see our sizing and fitting page.

  • Wearing a binder for too long (more than 8 hours)

    We understand our customers bind while at work or school but its best to limit the periods you wear your binder as much as possible.

    NEVER sleep in a binder, this is dangerous.

    If you are under 18, where possible, we strongly recommend you ask a parent or guardian's permission before buying a chest binder. For people younger than 18 we recommend limiting binding to 6 hours.

    You must take breaks when binding for an extended period.

  • Binding while exercising

    Our binders are swim-safe and we know that many people decide to wear a binder while exercising.

    We recommend sizing up for these activities to give yourself more room to move and to put less pressure on your chest while exerting yourself. Pay extra attention to your breathing and listen to your body.

  • Unsafe binding methods

    We do not recommend binding with tape, bandages or doubling up on compression garments (including multiple sports bras). These methods don’t allow your ribs to expand. The same can be said for cheap binders you can find on online marketplaces (like Amazon Ebay or Alibaba) which are not designed considering your safety and comfort.

  • Overheating

    As you are wearing an extra layer, it can get hot especially in summer or in warmer climates. Wear light, breathable clothing. Make sure you find shade and drink lots of water in these occasions and take breaks from binding when you can so that you don’t overheat.

  • Body changes

    We recommend you measure yourself periodically to keep track of body changes which may change your size. Sometimes you gain or lose weight without realising. Your ribs continue to grow until you are 25, and hormone therapy can rapidly affect your body composition. See our sizing and fitting page for more details.

    If you are under 18, where possible, we strongly recommend you ask a parent or guardian's permission before using a chest binder.

  • Skin care

    Our binders are made from the highest quality fabrics, however as they are tight and made to be very strong they can rub on your skin.

    When you first get your binder the front panel can be stiff, you can handwash it with fabric softener to help with this. Moisturising helps and you can also wear a thin vest underneath to protect your skin if you have sensitivities.

  • Side effects

    If you experience any negative side effects including: chest pain, shoulder pain, back pain, abdominal pain, light-headedness, heartburn or shortness of breath, stop wearing the binder immediately. Speak with your doctor, and with their permission contact us for further advice on sizing and fitting.

  • Medical conditions

    If you have a medical condition which affects your breathing such as asthma you should consult a doctor before binding.

  • Covid 19

    If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive please do not bind until you test negative or while your symptoms persist. 

Stretches for people who bind

Alice Stephens (she/her), a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist from Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust has provided us with these excercises for common pain and stiffness related to binding.


Active trunk rotation

Sets: 2, Reps 6, Frequency: Little and often

On a chair or stool, sit up tall with your shoulders back and your chin tucked in and look ahead.

Rotate your body from side to side. You can use your arm on your leg or on the chair as a lever to push your body further.

Cervical Nod

Sets: 2, Reps:10, Frequency: Little and often

Sit down on a chair with your elbows resting on a table in front of you.

Press your weight onto your elbows.

Nod your head up and down with the full range of movement frim touching your chin to your chest to looking at the ceiling.

Shoulder Elevation

Sets: 2, Reps: 6, Frequency: Little and often

Sit up with your back straight.

Gently lift your shoulders to your ears and then relax back to your original position.

Inhale as you lift your shoulders and exhale as you relax them.

Thoracic Rotation

Sets: 2, Reps: 6, Frequency: Little and often

Lie on your side with your knees bent in front of you.

Extend your arms in front of you and place your palms together.

Open your top arm by liftting it up and over your body,

Allow your upper back to rotate backwards as you continue the movement, lowering it down on the other side of your body.

Follow the arm movement with your head and only move as far as is comforable.